Haab Heat, High Savings

- 4:50 pm - February 22nd, 2017

How would you like to cut both your fuel bills and the emissions output of your heating system? And do so while enjoying more consistent, reliable heat? Who wouldn’t? The path could be as simple as a boiler upgrade!

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, installing energy efficiency upgrades and a new high-efficiency heating system can cut your fuel bills and system emissions up to 50%. Upgrading from an old boiler with a 56% efficiency rating to a modern unit with a 90% efficiency rating can save an average oil-heated cold-climate home 2.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year. If your boiler is old, worn out, inefficient or significantly oversized, the simplest path to savings is to replace it with a modern high-efficiency model. 

F.C. Haab is proud to sell, install and service ENERGY STAR®-rated oil-fired boilers from top manufacturers like Burnham, Columbia and Peerless. These boilers bring reliable warmth and smooth, quiet operation to any home, business or apartment building. 


Burnham has produced steam and hot water boilers for commercial and industrial applications since 1873. Today, the company offers the broadest range of oil-fired boilers in the industry. Burnham's V8 oil-fired boiler is designed for quiet operation while providing years of reliable and efficient service. The company’s MPO boiler, featuring an AFUE of 87%, is one of the most efficient and reliable boilers on the market today. 


Columbia has been building dependable, long-lasting boilers for more than 80 years. The company’s high-efficiency Casco Bay boiler uses a unique “three-pass” design that circulates the flue gases through the boiler three times to extract more heat from your fuel – putting it inside your home instead of up the chimney.  


Peerless cast iron boilers have been manufactured and sold in the United States since 1908. All Peerless boilers are made of durable and reliable cast iron. Cast iron hot water boilers can last 20 to 30 years, and many times even longer. Cast iron heats up very rapidly and takes a long time to cool, thus providing comfortable, efficient heating for your family.

You won't hear them working but you'll feel it! And you’ll feel it again in your wallet when you see your monthly heating costs drop. If it’s a furnace that keeps your family warm, we install and upgrade those too! Contact F.C. Haab and experience a whole new world of cost savings, energy conservation and best-in-class comfort.