Heating Oil Price Protection
Pennsylvania homeowners who rely on heating oil to fuel their home heating equipment are familiar with the volatility of oil’s market price. When costs are constantly shifting higher and lower, it’s hard to keep track of what you’ll be paying.
Luckily for Haab Energy customers, we can help do away with the uncertainty of heating oil prices! Check out your options for getting a better handle on fuel costs:
Capped Price Plan
With this option you purchase your seasonal supply, or a portion of it, with a cap price that we agree upon when you enroll. If market prices go above your cap, you won’t pay more. On the other hand, if prices decrease your costs will also decrease by a limited amount.
Fixed Price Plan
You’ll purchase either a portion of your seasonal supply or all of it for a fixed price that we agree upon when you enroll. Changes in market prices won’t affect your costs at all – you’ll only pay the fixed price whether market prices rise above or fall below it.
Pre-buy Plan
When your purchase your seasonal supply, or a portion of it, in advance we’ll price your oil based on pre-season prices with a built-in discount that rewards you for paying in advance. Since your bill is paid in advance, you won’t have to worry about making payments and your costs don’t change when market prices do.
Budget Plan
Paying a predictable amount for your fuel every month makes it easier to budget your heating oil costs with your household costs. Enrolling in our budget plan provides you with 10 even monthly payments based on our calculations for the coming heating season. Regardless of how many deliveries you receive, you pay the same amount each month.
Start thinking about the best way for you to manage your home heating costs now! Give us a call or contact us online to learn more about our payment options and to sign up for price protection before the heating season returns.