It May Be Time to Upgrade Your Heating Equipment

admin September 22, 2022

Fuel prices are more volatile than ever, which means you should do whatever you can to try and reduce your energy costs. One way to help reduce your heating bills is to make sure your equipment has been correctly installed and is properly functioning.

Why Automatic Delivery Is the Best Choice

admin July 7, 2022

If you have not already chosen automatic delivery for your heating oil, we strongly recommend that you call Haab Energy today and make the switch. Automatic delivery is a service with lots of “pros” and only one “con.”

F.C. Haab and Your Home’s Ductwork

admin June 15, 2022

The ductwork of your air conditioning system is what gets the cool air where you need it to go. Sometimes, problems can arise inside your ductwork that affect the output of air. Without a regular cleaning from F.C. Haab, you could be losing money and wasting energy all summer long.